The Mega Millions lottery result on Friday, July 13, 2018 has found one lucky person becoming millionaires. However, this draw has not determined the winner of the biggest Jackpot. The winning numbers was 39 – 22 – 68 – 21 – 59 and the lucky yellow Mega Ball is 02.
Specifically, one lucky person has become millionaires thanks to owning the tickets matched all five white balls received the prize $1,000,000. Twenty six winners received second prize and two of these players received $20,000 after play the Megaplier option, the others also received $10,000 each prize– according to information from the Mega Millions.
Due to no one wins the jackpot, the money is added to the jackpot for the next drawing up to $375 million. The next Mega Millions drawing starts at 11 p.m on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 in the US time zone.
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Please read HOW TO PLAY US MEGA MILLIONS FROM OUTSIDE THE US to be introduced step by step and avoid risks when you buy lotto tickets online.
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